
Key take aways

  • npm package cli (npx) run from "bin" config in package.json, it's defaulted as:

    "bin": {
      "widget-cli": "./bin/widget-cli.js"
  • Upgrade package helps (eslint)

Useful commands

There is an issue about the difference between cli eslint and vscode eslint extension.

Use local eslintrc This is what vscode eslint extension calls:

npx eslint -c ./.eslintrc ./src/Components/Button/index.js > local-lint-config.json

Print the complete eslint config:

npx eslint --print-config ./src/./src/Components/Button/index.js > local-lint-config.json

Use widget-cli eslint:

npx widget-cli eslint ...

What babel loader config/rc file eslint vscode extension is using to compile and lint?

    "configFile": "PATH_TO_CONFIG"

babel.config.js and .babelrc.js under root dir will be picked as default

Eslint cli

eslint have a CliEngine which loads the cli options. --print-config will trigger engine.getConfigForFile(PATH_TO_SINGLE_FILE) to load the config for single file. Cos the config can vary for different type of files, you need to specify single file here.

Last updated