
API design: Servers communitaions


GraphQL is an option to extend an API, and gRPC is a re-tooling to a classical approach,


Stateless, Reliable, Scalable, HATEOAS, which means it's better/meant to be used with hypermedia(with hypertexts, namely links to other resources)


gRPC is actually a new take on an old approach known as RPC, or Remote Procedure Call.

Custom contracted communications based on non-standard contract, defined by client-server relationship, but largely defined by the resources themselves(server). It gives much power(responsibility) to client.

Popular in IoT for low-power devices.



Protobufs are language and platform neutral systems used to serialize data, meaning that these communications can be efficiently serialized and communicated in an effective manner.


Strong authentication system that utilizes SSL/TLS through Google’s token-based system.


A reversal of the traditional relationship, where client defines the data and format they retrieve.

An awesome way to decouple client and server.


No client pull, it is a server push (callback) model.

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