
Agile Sprint mgmt

With more flexibility, to achieve aim for the dead line, team dynamically push what's not important (half way or better not started yet) task to backlog again and start testing and wrap up phase for important tasks first.

Learned from testing

A great testing benefit from Micro-frontend

You can easily get rid of CMS for local testing because the deployment of the fronend services are independent. You can reference the app script from local, local build/dev server dynamically in prod or any env. If it's structured good, it will not even affect/break the host page.

Mobile testing

  • Think about landscape view

  • Use real iPhone to connect to Mac and test with Safari is convenient and accurate

  • Use Simulator to test mobile is convenient as well, but make sure to use Safari Technology Preview for devtool

  • Use safari to test will easily messed up Mobile useragent flag

Last updated