
Bundle a cjs build, a es build, a esm build,

and using rollup to build a umd build

and in package.json, the main entry is point to cjs dir, module entry is point to esm dir

  1. What’s the difference between es and esm ? seems difference is in the @babael/preset-env

    es is for browser script tags, esm is for basically not transpiling. the main difference is the level of transpiling you need to do a lot more to support the shittier versions of browsers that first supported <script type="module>

  2. What’s babel-env ‘production’ and ‘production-umd’ ?

    nothing really

  3. Where is the output of npm run build:umd?

    Checkout the actual code for the command, say rollup.config.js, which just use some process to output a umd bundle (umd single file). And babel don't support umd bundling.

  4. Why are we bundling in different module systems ?

    To support different ways of import/require. Preact have this https://unpkg.com/browse/preact@10.2.1/dist/ different. lodash also enables different build

  5. Why do we symlink lib/node_module in build:prepare-bundle?

    because CI needs to deploy with semantic-release and its too slow to cp a directory

  6. Which part of this new way of bundling enable treeshaking ?

    esm, and specific path based imports

  7. How do we consume this bundle from widget ? What changes when we consume it w/ different module solution?

    how i've done it in my PR's so far but instead its now going to be like import Button from '@qantasairways/runway/components/Button';

Last updated